Website Traffic

Website Traffic Analysis

Do you have a website but don’t know who is using it and what information they are looking for? We can help you improve the performance of your website by providing you with an in-depth traffic analysis of where your visitors are coming from, how they navigate across your site and what information they are looking for.

Your traffic analytics will provide you with the insight to make improvements to your site and will need to be measured regularly, especially after you implement a change.

Our website traffic analysis services

  • Website navigation analysis
  • Visitor profile
  • Where visitors are coming from
  • Most visited pages
  • Key entry and exit pages
  • Path analysis
  • Single-page analysis
  • Marketing campaign analysis

How will you benefit from the traffic analysis review

Our traffic analysis review will benefit marketing managers who wish to maximise the return on online marketing spend, letting you track and optimise all your online marketing campaigns from pay-per-click marketing to email campaigns and banner advertising.

Finally, this report will be invaluable to your Ecommerce managers and sales managers as it provides you key insight to improve customer retention, leads and sales.

Use our traffic analysis services

Our expert consultants combine strong analytical skills, many years of experience in online optimisation, usability and a focus on driving leads and sales.

We are different – unlike other companies, we don’t assign new university graduates to generate some basic stats about your site. We assign our most experienced consultants, who are able to combine in-depth data analysis to real consumer behaviour, navigation issues and search optimisation to generate actionable insight with clear recommendations for improvement.