
Panda 2.5.  Saw some small SERPS movement for client sites as Panda 2.5 was introduced.  Once again our clients with content-rich sites moved up a few spots and our clients with thinner pages and adverts / AdSense moved down a few spots.  Coming up with fixes but confirms our view that content richness is here to say and will be affecting all sites like Google.  A good tip for macro & large e-commerce  sites is to add a “structured” review plug-in application -that will auto-generate you original content and Google will show your site as a review source in local /hybrid listings


Local SEO.  Google buys Zagat the restaurant review site.  No surprises for guessing what Google will do next.  Contacted our restaurant clients to make sure they apply for listings.  You have to do this by email how old fashioned to expect some decent online tools soon.  Let’s see if Google can turn Zagat into the new Tripadvisor for restaurants.


Twitter growth.  Report saying that Twitter has 100m users and much more interestingly 50% access their account daily.  We are working on a Groupon style weekly twitter out so glad to see growth continuing.  Particularly interesting given the stall in Facebook growth and recent Twitter profiles changes making it more “facey”


Twitter feeds. Not keen on the new trend for sites to now show their Twitter feeds on their homepage (see  There are so many better uses for such prime real estate (eg special offers section etc).  An argument that has SEO benefits as Google will see it as “content updating” is not correct – Google can see it is non-contextual so will help about as much as putting in an RSS news feed (ie very little if at all).